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2014  -  Personal exhibition 'Minds'  at Windholz cafe  gallery, Czech Republic.

2015 - Twenty-Four Eyes exibition in Szewska Pasja Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland

2015 - Dialog exibition in Baszta Gallery, Wroclaw, Poland

Algimantas Povilas Kaveckis artist’s statement

Images are strongly affecting society in XXI st century. Photography is one of the main tool of
producing images. According to R. Barthes book ‘ Camera Lucida’ photography is visual proof of
reality. It describes reality so clear that it becomes as the pure witness of our lives.
In XXI st century photography is loosing pure witness position. People can manipulate photography
on their own purposes. They can easily change reality which was fixed on photos. Photography
became manipulation object. Society can’t trust in images in these days. Jean Baudrillard ( french
social theorist) questions reality through the image perspective in his book ‘Simulacra and
Simulations’. His main issues on book are: What is reality? How it is contructed?
My works are inspired by manipulations of reality through the images. My main working tool is
photography. Through it, I can construct realistic perception of the world. I am creating my own
reality which task is making confusion on people. Photographic realistic works refers to the viewer.
Works affect consciousness of viewer. My idea of works is to distort viewer perception of reality
and make to think : what is it ?
Recently I was working on two different projects.
First project was about objects. I was selecting casual objects which are all the time around me in
daily life. I made them look special and extraordinary. I let them escape from invisible daily life and
give them new meaning.
Second project was about pills. I was inspired by my habits to consume pills because of my healthy
problems. Also, I was questioning meaning of the pills in society. I have made images of pills
esthetically clean and pure. I wanted them to look nice and on another side look scary by it self.
Main idea was not make any statement on pills. I wanted that viewer could question pills by it self.

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